New: •bowlroll (2)booth

Tools for MMD / Vroid (might also be here):


♡ MikuMikuMoving - allows for lipsyncloid (for creating lip movement motion from audio)

♡ WebRenderer - written by me, supports pmx, vmd, cameramotion, up to two models, animated stages (via vmd) etc.

♡ vrmviewer - a webrenderer for viewing vrm files (vrma motions)

♡ DAN☆SING - Supports mocopi (same dev as DSSc)

♡ (MikuMikuDance - nice.. but probably overshadowed by MikuMikuMoving, has a kinectv2 plugin tho)


❤️ PMXEDitor - De-Facto tool for editing and partial modelling. Incredibly useful (EyeWeightpaint)

Vkatsu ModelStudio with terribad pmx export.. BlenderPorterPack

VroidStudio (releases)Changelog - easy to use vrm modelling tool, which exports to prerigged vrm (use version 1.26 with VroidXYTool)

❤️ DSSc - incredible tool for conversion pmx2vrm, fbx2vrm. Is with mixamo, for allowing easy rigging of unrigged models ! (can produce huge vrm with many blendshapes)

❤️ PMX2VRM Converts pmx2vrm ? (You can reassign the blendkeys to blendshapes via BlendshapeClipEditor) alt (rq unity 2022)

Vrm2Pmx - most advanced pmx exporter, will produce horrible facial but amazing body bones. faces can be fixed with vroidplaypark.

FBX Exporter PMXE Plugin. Converts pmx to fbx while retaining bones, blendshapes rigids etc

TSO2PMD TSO2PMX Converts 3dcg tso models to pmx (pass: LuminousBizTso2PMXENEN1324 )

❤️ XNLAra 2 PMX

PMXTailor [Will (re)apply hair physics to pmx export if you set a bonegroup (1 group only!) b4 exporting vroid->vrm first])

VroidPlayPark - another pmx exporterwith great facials use with pmxdressup and vrm2pmx to produce a wellrdounded pmx FixTransparencyError(viaMaterialReorder) (fix texture issues in face with vrmtexturereplacer) is ok w. DressPhysics

fix face texture infoTurns out moving
3000_N00_000_00_FaceEyeline_00_FACE (Instance)
4000_N00_000_00_FaceBrow_00_FACE (Instance)

to the TOP of the list will fix /most/ issues.
(IF you have a white Background it will be barely visible)

❤️ PMXDressup - able to fix many issues with pmx files, recombining, bone fixing etc. Aided in creation of 2B port

PMXLinkCorrector - easily fixes false paths in a pmx file. (Can be used with PMXDressup if you want to keep a single tex folder)

          VRMTools: * VRMTextureReplacer * VRMSizing * BlendshapeClipEditor 

ModelRip / Conversion (F.e. from resources suchas XPSModels, Open3DLab, models-esource, P3DM, VktsuCards)

❤️ Noesis - my defacto preferred method for converting models. Can even handle NieRAutomatas format and carry to fbx (with texures), has pmx export plugin ! -(Use -flipax 2 at export to flip your pmx2fbx conversions)

Vrm ONE Editor an editing tool that allows you to connect any 3D object to a specific part of the VRM body and link the movement.

Blender - useful tool. (Use Blender 3.6 for pmx ex/import and vrm handling. Use 2.9 lts for CATS plugin [Rig via VRM for Blender]

❤️ CATS Blender Plugin - Allows to export pmx to fbx WITH Blendshapes INTACT (Requires Blender 2.93) [CATS for Blender 3.6 (up to 4.2)]Demo

♡ Unity - (The best unity vrm2pmx editor is denoms edit - which only fails at twirl motion) use version 2020.3.0 2019.4.31f1 , (PMXExport&Dependencies DLD)  ohand)

Open Unity Project immediatly @echo off
start "" "C:\Program Files\Unity\Editor\Unity.exe" -projectPath "C:\Users\User\Documents\PMXExporter_Old\New Unity Project"


❤️ (online) mixamo - produces rigs that can be directly carried over to vrm via DSSc.(Make sure your model is humanoid and properly textured, Noesis preview models) MixamoBlenderPlugin

❤️ PMXE Weight Painting

♡ (online) Heat.Tech Rigger

❤️ Accurig - decently useful program for rigging (Use FBXtoVRM_EXPORT200k to export accurig2vrm) Demo[1st model done entirely in accurig]

♡  Rigify - Blender pluging for rigging.Built into all versions of blender iirc.

❤️ VRM for Blender (↓) KindaHard...

Mal's VRM Blender plugin

Other Tools

Audio2vmd alternative to Lipsynchloid&Mikumoving for vmd lipsync generation
MMD Face Expression chart Chart & Namelist for most common mmd blendshapes \ expressions

VMD Scripting Tools - Aids in.. repairing pmx apparantly. I haven't gotten much use out of it beyond checking compatiblity between pmx models and vmd motions.


unity asset extractor(nesrak1 version fixes textures on 2021+ projects) useful for extracting videogame models

Youtube Video Tuts (-> mine)

Mocap (Webmocap)

MocapHardware: [DIR]
Mocopi SlimeVR-App+Mocopi
♡ DollarsMocap
♡ AprilTag
♡ Kinect ♡ MikuMikuCapture