Tools for MMD / Vroid (might also be here):
♡ MikuMikuMoving - allows for lipsyncloid (for creating lip movement motion from audio)
♡ WebRenderer - written by me, supports pmx, vmd, cameramotion, up to two models, animated stages (via vmd) etc.
♡ vrmviewer - a webrenderer for viewing vrm files (vrma motions)
♡ DAN☆SING - Supports mocopi (same dev as DSSc)
♡ (MikuMikuDance - nice.. but probably overshadowed by MikuMikuMoving, has a kinectv2 plugin tho)
❤️ PMXEDitor - De-Facto tool for editing and partial modelling. Incredibly useful (EyeWeightpaint)
♡ Vkatsu ModelStudio with terribad pmx export.. BlenderPorterPack
♡ VroidStudio (releases)Changelog - easy to use vrm modelling tool, which exports to prerigged vrm (use version 1.26 with VroidXYTool)
❤️ DSSc - incredible tool for conversion pmx2vrm, fbx2vrm. Is with mixamo, for allowing easy rigging of unrigged models ! (can produce huge vrm with many blendshapes)
❤️ PMX2VRM Converts pmx2vrm ? (You can reassign the blendkeys to blendshapes via BlendshapeClipEditor) alt (rq unity 2022)
♡ Vrm2Pmx - most advanced pmx exporter, will produce horrible facial but amazing body bones. faces can be fixed with vroidplaypark.
♡ FBX Exporter PMXE Plugin. Converts pmx to fbx while retaining bones, blendshapes rigids etc
♡ TSO2PMD TSO2PMX Converts 3dcg tso models to pmx (pass: LuminousBizTso2PMXENEN1324 )
❤️ XNLAra 2 PMX
♡ PMXTailor [Will (re)apply hair physics to pmx export if you set a bonegroup (1 group only!) b4 exporting vroid->vrm first])
♡ VroidPlayPark - another pmx exporterwith great facials use with pmxdressup and vrm2pmx to produce a wellrdounded pmx FixTransparencyError(viaMaterialReorder) (fix texture issues in face with vrmtexturereplacer) is ok w. DressPhysics
fix face texture info
Turns out moving
3000_N00_000_00_FaceEyeline_00_FACE (Instance)
4000_N00_000_00_FaceBrow_00_FACE (Instance)
to the TOP of the list will fix /most/ issues.
(IF you have a white Background it will be barely visible)
❤️ PMXDressup - able to fix many issues with pmx files, recombining, bone fixing etc. Aided in creation of 2B port
♡ PMXLinkCorrector - easily fixes false paths in a pmx file. (Can be used with PMXDressup if you want to keep a single tex folder)
VRMTools: * VRMTextureReplacer * VRMSizing * BlendshapeClipEditor
ModelRip / Conversion (F.e. from resources suchas XPSModels, Open3DLab, models-esource, P3DM, VktsuCards)
❤️ Noesis - my defacto preferred method for converting models. Can even handle NieRAutomatas format and carry to fbx (with texures), has pmx export plugin ! -(Use -flipax 2 at export to flip your pmx2fbx conversions)
♡ Vrm ONE Editor an editing tool that allows you to connect any 3D object to a specific part of the VRM body and link the movement.
♡ Blender - useful tool. (Use Blender 3.6 for pmx ex/import and vrm handling. Use 2.9 lts for CATS plugin [Rig via VRM for Blender]
❤️ CATS Blender Plugin - Allows to export pmx to fbx WITH Blendshapes INTACT (Requires Blender 2.93) [CATS for Blender 3.6 (up to 4.2)]Demo
♡ Unity - (The best unity vrm2pmx editor is denoms edit - which only fails at twirl motion) use version 2020.3.0 2019.4.31f1 , (PMXExport&Dependencies DLD) ohand) Open Unity Project immediatly
@echo off
start "" "C:\Program Files\Unity\Editor\Unity.exe" -projectPath "C:\Users\User\Documents\PMXExporter_Old\New Unity Project"
❤️ (online) mixamo - produces rigs that can be directly carried over to vrm via DSSc.(Make sure your model is humanoid and properly textured, Noesis preview models) MixamoBlenderPlugin
♡ (online) Heat.Tech Rigger
❤️ Accurig - decently useful program for rigging (Use FBXtoVRM_EXPORT200k to export accurig2vrm) Demo[1st model done entirely in accurig]
♡ Rigify - Blender pluging for rigging.Built into all versions of blender iirc.
❤️ VRM for Blender (↓) KindaHard...
♡ Mal's VRM Blender plugin
Other Tools
♡unity asset extractor(nesrak1 version fixes textures on 2021+ projects) useful for extracting videogame models
♡ Youtube Video Tuts (-> mine)